Changes made to the menu:

  • Music!
  • Lights, on the buttons, on the sides, on your cursor too
  • Buttons will now change size when you hover over them and when you click on them.
  • Buttons flash brightly when clicked
  • Particles (they render above everything, couldn't figure out how to fix that)
  • Added Gay Mode (makes all the lights rainbow and switches up the music, can be toggled on or off) (the alternate music was supposed to have a low-pass filter, to make it sound muffled, but this isn't supported in webgl sadly so you can't hear it. The original song has low-pass baked into it so just imagine that effect)
  • Colour differences between play, options and funny sound buttons because a bit of contrast goes a long way.
  • Some small tweaks to some of the sounds
  • You can sort of navigate with keyboard controls but I wasn't able to get it working properly

In game menu changes:

  • All the content has been moved to the left to make it easier to view the level while it is paused.
  • Volume and controls are smaller because they simply change the look of the pause screen slightly, while restart and quit are big because they impact your progress in the game.
  • The Quit button is red to make sure you don't click on it on accident.
  • Speaking of accidents, if you press quit to return to the menu, options, particles and other things in the main menu will stop working because the game thinks it's still paused. I figured out the bug but I wasn't able to fix it because the microgame has so much spaghetti code. To prevent this from  happening, quickly press ESC again after you press quit before the menu loads in.

Other changes that are irrelevant to the menu:

  • Added coyote time and the ability to buffer a jump
  • Player is now purple (should change colours when Gay Mode is activated)
  • The colours of the environment have changed as well.
  • The player can no longer keep jumping when hugging a wall.
  • Fixed some issues causing the player to appear behind objects.

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